Bladder Leakage After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Brian’s Story
Contino® helps Brian regain his life before incontinence and bladder leakage after prostate cancer with skating, shopping, and traveling.
Brian was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 60 years old. At the time, he was otherwise healthy and enjoyed long walks and ice skating. To treat his cancer, Brian underwent a major operation that removed his entire prostate gland. As a side effect, he experienced a type of bladder leakage after prostate cancer known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Brian’s Journey prior to Contino
Brian avidly skated, both inline and on the ice, before his prostate cancer diagnosis in 2005. The operation that removed his prostate gland thankfully cured him of his cancer, but he suffered from SUI as a side effect. For over two years, Brian used multiple pads daily, which left him embarrassed and anxious about pad leakage in social settings. He could no longer enjoy the activities that were important to him, and his quality of life significantly declined. Frustrated and searching for hope, Brian consulted a specialist who offered the Pro-ACT system as a treatment for bladder leakage after prostate cancer.
The Pro-ACT system requires a procedure where two silicone balloons are placed where the prostate used to be. They were implanted in 2008, and although they worked for a while, the balloons sometimes collapsed and stopped working. Brian even attempted to have them surgically repaired, but it was not effective either. Without relief, he had them permanently removed in 2014.
Starting with Contino
“When you’re wearing a diaper, you’re leaking all the time. So, you don’t know how much you’re leaking, or whether the diaper is full, and you don’t know whether you’re going to get up from sitting down and see a patch where you were sitting. With Contino®, I know when I want to go – just the same as you do! I can plan to go anywhere – like when we go to Europe.”
Brian discovered Contino® in late 2014 and enrolled in the Contino® clinical study, becoming one of the first patients to participate. He completed the study successfully in mid-2015 and continues to use Contino® today.
Life After Contino to manage bladder leakage after prostate cancer
Brian has used Contino® for seven years with zero complications or adverse events. He no longer requires any pads and estimates that his leakage has reduced by about 98%. Brian can regularly exercise again and enjoy everyday activities such as going to concerts, traveling, and visiting the mall without constantly needing to find a bathroom. Brian also shares that he doesn’t feel Contino® when inserted and finds that it helps his bladder reflexes return over time.
“It’s discreet – only I know that I’ve got [the Contino®] on…I think I have a lot more independence now than when I was first incontinent. Socially, I can go anywhere I want to – concerts and stuff like that.”
Hear more about how Contino® improved Brian’s incontinence and his life after a stress urinary incontinence diagnosis.
“So generally, I think life is almost back to normal. It is dignified, it’s something personal, and it works well for me.”
If you enjoyed Brian’s story, please visit and or visit our YouTube page here.
Are You Looking to Stop Bladder Leakage?
Book a free telephone consultation with Contino Support to see if the Contino® device is a good fit for you.
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